Accessibility Under-Served Needs

accessibility under served needs

Since the internet became popular in the early 2000s, web accessibility has been an issue for people with special accessibility needs.

In the past half a decade, this issue has risen to prominence, with multiple organizations trying to make the web equal for all.

Just like most things in life, web accessibility requires consistent time and effort, to reach that stage where the majority of the people can benefit from it.

Currently, even with multiple solution providers in the market, there are still major inconveniences that need to be addressed.

Below are some of them we came across in our interactions with people. As a company striving to bring upon web equality, we have solved these accessibility needs in the best possible way. Noting these below for reference.

1. Comprehensiveness

Under-Served Need: A company needs to use multiple applications/solutions to test, understand, solve and implement the changes. Sometimes, different applications are used for content accessibility, design accessibility, website accessibility, etc.

Solution by Wally: Single application for 360° accessibility. Control accessibility preferences for your socials, ads, banners, emails, websites, or any other forms of content, all in one place. Your peace of mind is important to us.

2. Personalization

Under-Served Need: Users are currently pushed to a one-size fits all solution for accessibility, especially with widgets. These are patch-up solutions at best.

Solution by Wally: We address the root cause of instances of inaccessibility, so that everybody (with their unique accessibility preferences) would experience the web, the best way possible.

As a widget (present in your website) is only as powerful as the accessibility features present on your website. Example: If you do not have well written Alt-Texts, no matter what, a widget can not help you here.

Furthermore, staying with websites, your accessibility need necessarily be a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’. Example: If your Alt-Texts are not descriptive enough, a person using a screen reader still will not have the intended website experience.

Speaking of the above,

3. Native Solution

Under-Served Need: Widget approach to accessibility is incomplete and sometimes traumatizing for a few users.

Solution by Wally: We believe in solving accessibility at its roots, and hence offer you a native solution. Constantly solving inaccessibility instances, so that everybody would have the same experience, is the only path to attaining accessibility in its truest essence.

4. Accessibility

Under-Served Need: Accessibility suggestions from providers are one dimensional, the insights need to be helpful for more than one designation.

Solution by Wally: The accessibility reports curated by Wally give special insights to developers, designers and creative professionals. We also make the reports ‘open-source’, as anybody can generate accessibility reports for themselves, without even creating an account in Wally.

The above were a few under-served accessibility needs we learnt in our interactions. Hope this helps you understand the current accessibility solution landscape better.

If you are interested in checking out Wally’s accessibility solutions, you can try our completely free trial.

Let’s together make the web a better place!
