Assistive Technology Devices

If you are someone who is new to the accessibility domain, knowing and remembering assistive technology devices could be quite challenging. Especially due to the already enormous and ever increasing innovations here.
Nevertheless, these devices play an enormous role in making the lives of numerous people easier, being a part reason behind their smiles today.
What are Assistive Technology Devices?
Any hardware/software device that helps people with hearing, speaking, moving or cognitive impairments, is an Assistive Technology device. These devices enable people to understand and communicate in a better manner.
They also play a crucial role in interaction of people with your brand’s website (and other digital footprint). Thus, customizing your website to enable your target audience to have a smooth experience is crucial.
Here are some of the commonly used Assistive Technology devices that you should be aware of to start with:
1. Computer Software and Hardware Devices Screen Readers and Braille Displays
Screen Readers: Software that converts on-screen text to speech for visually impaired users.
Braille Displays: Physical devices that convert digital text into Braille.
Alternative Keyboards and Mouse Devices
Ergonomic Keyboards: Specialized keyboards designed to reduce strain and discomfort.
Eye-Tracking Systems: Control a computer through eye movements and gaze.
Screen Magnifiers and Magnification Software
ZoomText: Software that magnifies the screen and enhances readability.
Magnification Features in Operating Systems: Built-in accessibility options that enlarge on-screen content.
Speech Recognition Software
Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Transcribes spoken words into text and controls computer functions through voice commands.
Windows Speech Recognition: Microsoft's voice recognition system for hands-free computer operation.
Switch Control and Head-Mounted Devices
Switch Control Systems: Devices that enable control through switches activated by various body movements.
Head-Tracking Devices: Use head movements to control the mouse and interact with a computer.
2. Hearing Aiding Devices Hearing Aids
Behind-the-Ear (BTE): Fits behind the ear and amplifies sound.
In-the-Ear (ITE): Custom-molded to fit inside the ear canal.
In-the-Canal (ITC): Sits in the ear canal but is less visible.
Completely-in-Canal (CIC): Nearly invisible, as it's deeply inserted in the ear canal.
Cochlear Implants
Surgically implanted devices that bypass damaged parts of the ear, directly stimulating the auditory nerve.
Assistive Listening Devices
FM Systems: Transmits sound directly to hearing aids through radio waves.
Infrared Systems: Uses infrared signals to send audio signals to receivers.
Loop Systems: Induction loop systems provide clear sound via telecoil-equipped hearing aids.
Closed Captioning
Subtitles or captions displayed on screens to provide text representation of audio content, aiding those with hearing impairments.
3. Mobility Aiding Devices
Devices that help with difficulties in moving.
Wheelchairs and Scooters
Manual Wheelchairs: Lightweight and manually propelled chairs used by individuals with mobility impairments.
Powered Wheelchairs: Electrically powered chairs for those with limited upper body strength or control.
Mobility Scooters: Battery-operated scooters designed for outdoor use, ideal for people with limited walking abilities.
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Prosthetic Limbs: Artificial limbs designed to replace lost or damaged body parts, such as legs or arms.
Orthotic Devices: Customized braces, supports, or insoles to provide stability, correct alignment, or assist movement.
Adaptive Switches and Utensils
Adaptive Switches: Buttons, levers, or sensors that allow individuals with limited motor control to interact with electronic devices or control their environment.
Adaptive Utensils: Specialized eating utensils designed for individuals with limited hand or arm function.
Physical Modifications
Home Accessibility Modifications: Alterations to living spaces, like ramps, wider doorways, and grab bars, to enhance accessibility.
Vehicle Modifications: Adaptations for vehicles, such as wheelchair ramps and lifts.
Environmental Control Units (ECUs): Devices that enable control of appliances, lighting, and more through voice commands or switches.
4. Cognitive Aiding Devices Communication Devices
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Tools like picture boards or speech-generating devices for non-verbal individuals.
Speech Generating Devices (SGDs): Electronic devices that generate speech from input text or symbols.
Memory Aids
Reminder Apps: Smartphone apps for setting alarms and reminders.
Medication Management Devices: Devices that dispense medication at specific times and issue reminders.
Assistive Software for Cognitive Challenges
Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text Software: Converts written text to spoken words and vice versa.
Mind Mapping Tools: Visual aids to organize thoughts and information.
Smart Home Technology
Voice-Activated Assistants: Devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home that respond to voice commands.
Home Automation for Independence: Systems that allow control of lights, thermostats, and appliances through smartphones or voice commands.
Enabling your website and your digital footprint in general (banners, blogs, ads, social media posts, etc.) to work seamlessly with all the above assistive technologies is quite a task.
97% of the websites currently are not accessible, causing difficulties to people using assistive technology devices.
Offer your users a memorable experience, by providing them a seamless experience with their assistive technology device of choice, with Wally.
Wally empowers you to provide an exquisite experience to all users, irrespective of which device they are using. As we solve accessibility problems at the root level.
Wally also facilitates your organization to achieve 360° accessibility, where you enable the advantages of accessibility not just for your customers, but for all your employees and stakeholders as well.