Beyond Barriers with Daniela

Beyond Barriers, an accessibility podcast, with Daniela Lopez, Senior Digital Experience Strategist at AKQA

In a recent episode of Beyond Barriers, Daniela Lopez from AKQA shared her journey into the world of digital accessibility. With a background rooted in advocacy and a strong commitment to equality, Daniela’s insights provide a valuable guide for those looking to champion accessibility in their organizations.

Discovering Accessibility

Her first encounter with digital accessibility came during a job at a digital agency, where she was introduced to concepts like contrast ratios and screen readers. "I didn't even know accessibility was a thing until I started that job back in 2015," Daniela recalls. This exposure ignited a passion for web accessibility and a commitment to making digital experiences inclusive for all.

The Changing Landscape of Accessibility

Over the past decade, Daniela has seen a significant shift in the accessibility landscape. Increased awareness, driven in part by high-profile lawsuits and government regulations, has made organizations more attuned to the importance of digital accessibility. "Money talks," she notes, highlighting how financial consequences have prompted businesses to pay attention. However, Daniela also stresses the positive impact of realizing that accessibility is not just about compliance—it’s about enhancing the user experience for everyone.

Challenges in Scaling Accessibility

Despite progress, scaling accessibility across large organizations remains challenging. One of the biggest hurdles, according to Daniela, is the complexity of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Additionally, she emphasizes that just meeting compliance standards doesn’t guarantee a good user experience. "It's not about designing for people with accessibility needs; it's about designing with people for accessibility needs," Daniela advises.

Success Through Education and Empathy

One of Daniela’s key successes has been helping teams understand that accessibility is a shared responsibility across all roles, from developers to content writers. She developed training modules that focus on empathy, using real-world examples to illustrate the impact of accessibility (or lack thereof) on users. "It's about showing people the difference they’re making in others' lives," she explains, noting that this approach has transformed mindsets within her teams.

The Future: Social and Technological Disruptions

Looking ahead, Daniela sees both social and technological disruptions shaping the future of accessibility. Socially, there is growing advocacy and awareness around neurodiversity and other disabilities, driven by influencers and public figures who are openly sharing their experiences. On the technological side, AI is emerging as a tool that can simplify accessibility testing and implementation. However, Daniela cautions against losing the human element in this process. "AI can help, but it will never replace the need for human understanding and empathy," she warns.


Daniela's story is a testament to the impact one can make in the field of digital accessibility through determination, empathy, and a commitment to equality. Her advice for others is simple but powerful: "Don’t just comply—design with people in mind, and always keep the human element at the forefront."

The podcast is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Amazon Music, Pandora, and Stitcher.