Beyond Barriers with Jonathan

Beyond Barriers, an accessibility podcast, with Jonathan Pool, Accessibility Automation Lead at CVS

Accessibility in the digital age is more than a compliance checkbox—it's about creating inclusive experiences for all users. In a recent episode of the Beyond Barriers podcast, we discussed the future of accessibility with Jonathan Pool, an expert in the field. Jonathan shared insights on the current state of accessibility testing, the role of AI, and the innovative solutions he has developed, such as Testaro, to streamline these processes.

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is crucial for ensuring that digital products are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. However, traditional methods are often resource-intensive and costly. As Jonathan pointed out, "If accessibility testing is going to be as expensive as it often now is, where a company will often pay a contractor $1,000 to audit a single webpage, you can't do that every week or even every month." This high cost limits the frequency and depth of testing, posing a significant challenge for many organizations.

Leveraging Automation in Accessibility Testing

To address these challenges, Jonathan advocates for automating as much of the testing process as possible. "Start by running all the useful automated tests you can run on a particular artifact, and then correct all of the defects that are discovered by that automated testing," he suggested. This approach allows human a11y testers to focus on more complex issues that automated tools might miss, thus increasing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

One of the standout projects spearheaded by Jonathan is Testaro, a comprehensive tool that integrates around a thousand different accessibility audits from ten different teams worldwide. "Every time you add a new tool to your toolbox, you're actually just adding more capability to discover accessibility issues," Jonathan explained. By combining the strengths of multiple tools, Testaro provides a thorough and reliable testing process.

The Role of AI in Accessibility

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is frequently highlighted as a transformative force across various industries, and accessibility is no exception. "Artificial intelligence has been part of computer science for decades," Jonathan remarked, emphasizing that AI's integration into accessibility tools is an ongoing process. He anticipates that AI will gradually enhance these tools, making them smarter and more effective over time.

However, Jonathan remains cautious about the current hype surrounding AI. "When everybody's talking about something, I'm skeptical that it deserves as much attention as it's getting," he said. Rather than viewing AI as a disruptive force, he sees it as part of the natural progression of technological advancements. "The people who make those tools are going to be injecting AI little by little... I don't have to do it. It's just going to automatically become part of my super tool."

Setbacks and Challenges

Despite these advancements, the journey to improving accessibility testing is fraught with challenges. One significant issue is ensuring consistency across different tools and tests. "When you get all these different tools saying, 'Hey, I found an accessibility defect,' they're calling it by different names, identifying the elements that are problematic in different ways," Jonathan explained. Developing a system that can accurately compare and integrate results from various tools is a complex task that requires continuous refinement.

Another challenge is the over-reliance on automated tools. While automation can handle many routine tasks, it cannot yet replicate the nuanced understanding that human testers bring. This limitation means that a hybrid approach—combining automated and manual testing—remains essential for the foreseeable future.

The Path Forward

Jonathan's work with Testaro underscores the importance of continuous improvement in accessibility evaluation. By leveraging the strengths of multiple tools and integrating AI advancements, Testaro aims to provide a scalable solution for thorough and frequent accessibility evaluation. "If you can automate it, then you should automate it," Jonathan emphasized, outlining a practical approach that begins with automated testing and progresses to human evaluation.


The conversation between Brian Gavin and Jonathan Jonathan highlights the evolving landscape of accessibility testing. Innovations like Testaro and the gradual integration of AI are paving the way for more efficient and effective testing processes. However, the journey is ongoing, with challenges to overcome and opportunities for continuous improvement. As Jonathan aptly put it, focusing on accessibility is not just about compliance—it's about enhancing the quality and inclusivity of digital experiences for everyone.

The podcast is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Amazon Music, Pandora, and Stitcher.